The Lost Voices

About The Lost Voices

About us

Helping People never doubt that they are Valuable & Powerful


Our purpose is to be non-violent conduits of social change in our community, throughout the United States, and across the globe through service and purposeful acts of protest.

Mission Statement:

Our mission is to end police brutality by pressuring local, state, and federal government to adapt laws that hold police to regulated standards of conduct.


Our goals include pressuring local, state, and federal government to make addendum to laws, while creating additional legislation where necessary, resulting in independent checks and balances and distinct repercussions for misconduct. We aim to be a voice that represents youth and all those who are affected by police brutality, ensuring that our collective voice is heard.


  • Demonstrations and Protesting (Every night at 7pm)
  • Boycott
  • Voter Registration
  • Public Speaking
  • Educational Outreach 

Local Community Building: 

  • Visit/Service at Nursing Homes and Hospitals
  • Visit/Service at Schools
  • Visit/Service to Juvenile System Organize Necessity Drives and Youth Mentoring

National Community Building:

  • Activate youth communities in major cities across the nation through workshops, performances, and film screenings
  • Develop models for youth activism and social justice education that can be replicated across the globe
  • Respond to incidents of police brutality and institutional injustice across the United States


Our partners